Gulfstream delivers first G700s

Gepubliceerd op 30 april 2024 om 10:14


Gulfstream Aerospace announced on 23 April 2024 that the first two examples of its new G700-jet have been delivered. The news follows shortly after gaining its type certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration, which was achieved last month.


The G700 is currently the largest aircraft Gulfstream has on offer, and can be compared with Bombardier's Global 7500. The Gulfstream family on offer currently exists of the G280, G500, G600, G650 and G700. This will soon be joined by the G800, which is a shorter version of the G700, and the G400, which is a shortened G500. The G800 will likely be delivered later in the year as well. In March, Gulfstream announced the G280 would be upgraded as well, with the newer variant being delivered from 2026 on.

Qatar Executive is one of the happy customers and also made the spotters at Schiphol happy when A7-CHA (87009) passed through Schiphol on delivery on 27 April 2024. The second delivered is, most likely, N71Z (87010), as it's the only G700 that doesn't have a factory registration anymore.

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